
lagu yang sangat bermakna :)

baby boy
i'm here 
i won't go anywhere, i'll be waiting for you
you know that i love you, and that's why
you don't need to worry
no matter how far apart we are
my love wont change
you know what i mean
im waiting for you (waiting for you)

me, so clumsy, and you, far away
with me still unable to tell you how i felt
you went away
now u remain only in my album
these days we can only meet via the airways
but i cant see your smile
your warmth, the smell of your hair
as the days went by
my thirst for you was unquenced
and i searched desprately for a trace of you
on the road i often walked down with you
the only sound was my footsteps
but enough of that, how are you
are you eating properly
damn it, i just cant say it
i'll send you another letter from me soon

i saw you on the sand dunes in Kamakura
the words i wanted to say were swallowed up in the waves
this is really painful, im a guy
so why dont the words come?
do you remember me?
when i was at the karaoke with you
the words to the song i picked were on the screen
the truth was, i wanted to tell you 
the day we got together, just the two of us,
for the first time.
we played around like we met by chance
i wanted to say "i cant forget your smile"
but i got pretty off-topic.

terima kasih :D


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