
lagu yang sangat bermakna :)

baby boy
i'm here 
i won't go anywhere, i'll be waiting for you
you know that i love you, and that's why
you don't need to worry
no matter how far apart we are
my love wont change
you know what i mean
im waiting for you (waiting for you)

me, so clumsy, and you, far away
with me still unable to tell you how i felt
you went away
now u remain only in my album
these days we can only meet via the airways
but i cant see your smile
your warmth, the smell of your hair
as the days went by
my thirst for you was unquenced
and i searched desprately for a trace of you
on the road i often walked down with you
the only sound was my footsteps
but enough of that, how are you
are you eating properly
damn it, i just cant say it
i'll send you another letter from me soon

i saw you on the sand dunes in Kamakura
the words i wanted to say were swallowed up in the waves
this is really painful, im a guy
so why dont the words come?
do you remember me?
when i was at the karaoke with you
the words to the song i picked were on the screen
the truth was, i wanted to tell you 
the day we got together, just the two of us,
for the first time.
we played around like we met by chance
i wanted to say "i cant forget your smile"
but i got pretty off-topic.

terima kasih :D


lirik jangan pernah berubah !

Lirik Lagu ST 12 – Jangan Pernah Berubah

Biarkan waktu teruslah berputar
Mencintai kamu penuh rasa sabar
Meski sakit hati ini kau tinggalkan
Ku ikhlas ‘tuk bertahan

Cintaku padamu begitu besar
Namun kau tak pernah bisa merasakan
Malah kini kau ucapkan selamat tinggal
Membuat keresahan

Meninggalkanku tanpa perasaan
Hingga ku jatuhkan airmata
Kekecewaan ku sungguh tak berarah
Biarkan ku harus bertahan

Jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
Tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah
Jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
Tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah

Back to Reff:[*] , [**]

Jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
Ku relakan yang indah dalam hatinya

thank you !

i don't understand

heee aku tak paham betul lah.
ohh aku ckp je takde teros kaw nak mengamok macam ape ha!

pstu terus off.........
tu memang lah..hati aku ni terguris-guris tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

u nak masa ye..
ambil lah masa sampai bila2 pun..
sebab aku dah relakan..i let u go..

terima kasih banyak-banyak.



exam dah habis!!


dah habisss!!

yayyyyy!!! dah habissss!! cmni la aku lps kua kelas smlm

yargggghhh!!! yang ni lak aksi membe2 aku pas kua kls

akhirnya semalam tepat jam 4.15 ptg,,dengan rasmi nye aku dah habis final!!
heaven gile exam dah habis. dah la smlm dua paper. DUA okay! punya la macam nak 
pecah pale aku nak kena study.khamis nak exam,rabu malam baru aku start study.
memang kerja gila betul. pasni taubat tak nak study last minit dah. eleh,padahal sem lepas
pon ckp camni tapi buat lagi hahahaha 

so,sikalang aku lagi fikir mau kerja apa nih!
aku takleh dok umah je n do nothing karena pasti dibebel oleh mami~~
kerja apa ehhhhhh..pikir..pikir.

terima kasih kerana sudi membaca :)

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